
Diablo 3 map cathedral level 4
Diablo 3 map cathedral level 4

diablo 3 map cathedral level 4

Next, get rid of Grand Inquisitor, which has a lot of nasty long-range spells in its arsenal.Must be killed first sacred healer, because he can revive his comrades.Regardless of the chosen character class, there is a recommended order of elimination of members of the Supreme Council: The external distinctive features of each enemy will help to distinguish them during the battle.īefore the start of the battle, stock up on potions and drink the necessary elixirs to increase damage. Faithful Protector - a small guard with a spear.Lord Commander - a huge warrior in plate armor.Grand Inquisitor - a magician whose staff is surrounded by four crystals.sacred healer - a wizard with a staff enclosed in a round hoop.When you go deep into the Court of the High Council, the battle will begin with four bosses: This will not affect the stages of the passage of the dungeon in any way.ĭefeat the members of the Supreme Council If you wish, you can run all the way from the Urn of Malevolence to the Court of the High Council ahead, ignoring all enemies on a way. To do this, you need to find and kill these elite enemies, and then collect a glowing purple essence from their bodies. To progress further into the Cathedral of Light, you need to collect Malevolence from the Knights of the Underworld. Obtain Malevolence from the Underworld KnightsĪs soon as you get into the dungeon, get the first objective of the mission. Next, we will tell you more about each of the stages in this dungeon. The Cathedral of Light can be completed solo or in a group with allies. To close the content of this dungeon, you have to complete several goals in sequence. How to complete the Cathedral of Light in Diablo 4ĭepending on the game experience, the Cathedral of Light can be completed by a character Level 45-55. If all the requirements are met, then the Cathedral of Light will appear on the global map: the dungeon is located south of the city Kiovashad in location Shattered Peak.

diablo 3 map cathedral level 4

To access the Cathedral of Light dungeon, you must:

Diablo 3 map cathedral level 4